About Me

My photo
Native Austinite. Well educated.. always learning in my own way. Strong-willed & opinionated. I believe in making a difference. I believe in making myself a better person.. in my own eyes, not the eyes of society.
Mainstream society, and the social mores it professes to hold as "normal," "average," etc. are all hogwash as far as I'm concerned. I am very much a "trail blazer" and I live my life that way.

If you want to know more.. ask me :)

to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting. - e.e. cummings

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Early Christmas!!

I received a random text from a sister the other day...  resulting in what I thought was a mysterious exchange of messages.
MR: "What are u and Carl up to this morning?"
ME: "Carl goes 2 wk @ 5p. What's up?"
MR: "Just some plans I was thinking of making that u might want to be a part of. In the middle of something-will get back to u."
ME:  "K"
MR: "Oh, what about tomorrow evening? Plans?"
ME:  "Carl supposed to done w wk at/around 6p. Poss activity, but nothing solid after that."

Few minutes later, received call from her:

MR: Just sent you an email. Can you please take a look at it? Call me back and tell me what you think.
ME:  Okay.

Upon opening message saw the following:

Subject  Fwd: Print Your Tickets Now  (<-- Didn't phase me in the least.. only b/c she's always coming up with creative invites!)

When I realized what it was, I began saying (to no one in particular) "Oh my god" out loud.. repeating 2-3 times. Called her back, when she answered, all I could say was "Oh my god!" MR said she knew how much I enjoy TSO and not been able to make a concert.. so, she bought the tix for me as an early Christmas present.

Only "catch," concert was that night.. and I needed to find someone to go with me!

Sent text to my friend, Yvonne.. acknowledging short notice, asked if she would like to attend concert. Ssaid not that familiar with group; accepted invite.

Eek! Nosebleed!

We had a great view...

Light show

We could feel the heat from those flames (flame throwers??)

Turned out concert ran just shy of 3hrs. Add in time for autographs, we left ~ qtr to 12am! It was awesome.. getting autographs, speaking briefly w each member & shaking hands w a few of them, too!! Even able to get 6 guitar picks.. 4 of which were already autographed.

Waiting in line...  
Phillip (Narrator)

Don't remember last time I had sooo this much fun at a concert!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rumi.. love poetry

Back in the day, a lover introduced me to Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī - A 13th-century Persian muslim poetjuristtheologian, and Sufi mystic. In the English-speaking world, he is simply known as "Rumi.". Fell in love with his work immediately!

I found a few Rumi works that spoke to me, in some fashion.

I am so small I can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside me?
Look at your eyes.
They are small, but they see enormous things.
- Rumi


Daddy once told me I'm a risk taker, am always taking gambles.. and more often than not, succeed!
Never thought of myself as a "risk taker," but after some reflection I realized Daddy is correct!
I have taken the following risks:
  • being a single-parent at 21
  • completing my undergraduate studies.. took me some time, but I did it
  • returning to court for increased child support
  • pursued/completed my masters via weekend program @ Our Lady of the Lake, commuting to San Antonio while working 40 hrs/week.. Graduated with Honors Cords representative of my induction to the International Sociology Honor Society Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD)
  • willingly & passionately facing and/or taking on daunting challenges regarding issues of importance to me
So, as I often do with my search for quotes, etc. I Googled "taking risks" finding a poem that not only speaks to me, it's also tells others who I am...

by Author Unknown

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach for another is to risk involvement.
To expose your ideas, your dreams,
     before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To believe is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the
     greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The people who risk nothing, do nothing,
     have nothing, are nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
     but they cannot learn, feel, change,
          grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitudes they are slaves;
     they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.

~ Page 147 of the book Addiction by Prescription by Joan Gadsby ~

Monday, August 9, 2010

Videocamp Texas

Saturday I went to Videocamp Texas for the first time..It was a great experience!

I participated as both an attendee & volunteer. I went to two sessions in the morning, the more important was "Making your Blog Sticky!" Tolly provided a lot of useful information. I hope to put it to use as soon as possible.

During my volunteer time at the sign-in table I met Felana.. very nice, very personable.

I wasn't quite sure what would be happening at videocamp. I did at least have the expectation of some hands-on training, so I took my laptop. Instead, it was informational, so laptop not necessary.

I will try to blog 2-3/week to get myself started. I also want to get a new blog started, something more serious. I am eager to really get my-blog-on!!

Blog Blogging : 100 Top Blogging Tips

Curious? just getting started? Here are some helpful tips on strategy.(Social Media 101): An article from: Units

Friday, March 19, 2010

SXSW: Taco Journalism ...

Plans were made to get up.. get up early enough, too.. to motor over to Brush Square Park for the Taco Journalism Breakfast Taco Meetup @ SXSW!

After all.. SXSW was in full swing, an honest-to-goodness Mexican taco breakfast (and FREE, too!), visit with friends: Mando, other friends.. meet new people, too.

Instead.. Carl & I woke up late =:o but still with enough time to get over there. Drove around for what seemed like an eternity searching for parking.. ended up dropping him off so at least he can grab tacos, and I kept looking. In the end, I parked along 4th St, in a Bus only parking area..

So, technically, I was illegally parked.. okay, I was illegally parked, period. But with all the coming and going, I just hoped no one would notice (or care).

I called Carl, he grabbed tacos for me.. he was on his way back to car.. I went to turn car on..

you'll never guess.. or maybe you will..

It wouldn't start!

It make this hellacious noise, but just would not turn over!


Walked back to tent, asked Mando and other friends if any had jumper cables.. No. Carl said cabbies have cables, he'd ask.. but they're going to ask for $$..

There were guys from Chevrolet letting people do test drives, surely they had cables, right? Wrong. (I found that hard to believe.)

Saw two APD officers.. nope, no cables because they were on foot!

Sufficiently frustrated, I finally told Carl to go ask the cabbies.. responses ranged from have no cables to $25.

I texted family for help; sister sent hubby, without cables because she thought I had my own.

uh.. does "circus" ever end?

Bro-in-law ran me to store to buy cables.. after returned, we jumped my car. Carl & I went to have battery checked.. sure enough, it needed to be replaced. So I just took care of it.

From time I sent text to family to having car jumped.. it had been roughly 2 hours!!

What an adventure!

Moral of the story..

When going out for breakfast tacos:
  • get up on time (better yet, get up early!)
  • if you own an automobile, have a working battery
  • if you own an automobile, have a set of jumper cables.. longer the better (car providing assistance is not always able to face the car needing the jump.. as was case w/me)

(Note: Pic above copy/pasted from FB)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

[no title]

[no title]
Tuesday, December 16, 2009
Go forward, go forward into space . . .
Where it will be what it will be.

Its strong roots, like our connection,
anchor down in the fertile soil to be nurtured with TLC.

It will blossom, and grow,
just as the wondrous beauty of Mother Nature's vast realm.

It shall go, and grow, in the direction we move it -
forward, upward, outward.

We shall water it with our laughter and tears, love and fears
It is the essense of who we are.

The seed has been planted
all we know is now.

Note: This was written in late 2008.. what I find amusing, is it means more to me now.
Go figure.

Poetry... then and now

I wrote the following poems when I was back in high school, the last one was written most recently at the age of 17! They all meant something to me back then... do they mean anything any more?

I remember Hope was inspired by a song on the Godspell soundtrack. I was very active in my church, my school choir/drama, etc. Now, I no longer attend religious services, but music still communicates, poetry can be poignant.. but I don't believe this piece has meaning for me any more, at least not the original meaning.

What do you feel? What do you think?
Can’t you take me with you?
For I am lost, and I need love,
What will you do?

For beyond where the hope lies,
Where the hope lies,
And the fear sinks into shallow darkness,
Oh, please, oh please, take me with you.

Let me skip the road with you,
I do love you, I do love you,
I’ll put a pebble in my shoe, and watch me smile, see my hope.
I can smile, I can hope.

I shall call the pebble strength, I shall call the pebble strength.
You taught me to talk about feelings,
It shall be carried, and when we both have had enough,
I will take it from my shoe singing -- Meet your new friend!

Then I’ll take your hand;
Finally glad, finally glad;
That I am here, that I am here;
by your side, by my side, by my side.

Love was written because I was just another girl who was bitten by the
high school "love bug" :) I don't know that all of it means anything, but parts of it do once again.

Love Is
Love is attachment;
Love is care, love is intimacy,
That’s all I bare.

I have not the grace
of a prima donna;
I have not the knowledge
of professors at college.

I have what I need
for everyday life.
I get through my strain.
I get through my strife.

Love is attachment;
Love is care, love is intimacy,
That’s all I bare.

My Lady ... I will never forget what inspired me to write this.. my family was driving home on a major highway, which ran alongside a railroad track (N-S).. as I gazed out the window, all I saw on the grassy area by the tracks/road was continuous litter. It saddened me to the point of tears rolling down my face.. To this day, this one still has as much meaning as the day it was written.

My Lady

Oh, My Lady!
See My Lady in all her shame, humiliation and degradation.
See her in her sorrowful state.
Pity her not, for I do not,
Rather, do as I do and pity those of us who have caused her so much grief.
Have pity and pray for those of us who have hurt her and God, for she, as we, are God’s.
She gives us so much, and we give her nothing.
Of course there are those few, that small handful who try to save her, fight for her dignity,
but they are not enough to save My Lady...

My Lady Earth.