About Me

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Native Austinite. Well educated.. always learning in my own way. Strong-willed & opinionated. I believe in making a difference. I believe in making myself a better person.. in my own eyes, not the eyes of society.
Mainstream society, and the social mores it professes to hold as "normal," "average," etc. are all hogwash as far as I'm concerned. I am very much a "trail blazer" and I live my life that way.

If you want to know more.. ask me :)

to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting. - e.e. cummings

Monday, August 9, 2010

Videocamp Texas

Saturday I went to Videocamp Texas for the first time..It was a great experience!

I participated as both an attendee & volunteer. I went to two sessions in the morning, the more important was "Making your Blog Sticky!" Tolly provided a lot of useful information. I hope to put it to use as soon as possible.

During my volunteer time at the sign-in table I met Felana.. very nice, very personable.

I wasn't quite sure what would be happening at videocamp. I did at least have the expectation of some hands-on training, so I took my laptop. Instead, it was informational, so laptop not necessary.

I will try to blog 2-3/week to get myself started. I also want to get a new blog started, something more serious. I am eager to really get my-blog-on!!

Blog Blogging : 100 Top Blogging Tips

Curious? just getting started? Here are some helpful tips on strategy.(Social Media 101): An article from: Units